The following example integrates three simulation entities
- A gas station with a limited number of pumps
- A traffic light that prevents cars from driving
- Multiple cars that need to pass the cross with the traffic light to reach a gas station. There each car needs to refill before it is reaching its end of live within the simulation context.
The example illustrates how to establish a simple interplay of states and resources. It is realized elegantly with dependency injection.
import org.kalasim.*
import org.koin.core.component.inject
enum class TrafficLightState { RED, GREEN }
/** A traffic light with 2 states. */
class TrafficLight : State<TrafficLightState>(TrafficLightState.RED) {
fun toggleState() {
when(value) {
TrafficLightState.RED -> TrafficLightState.GREEN
TrafficLightState.GREEN -> TrafficLightState.RED
/** A simple controller that will toggle the state of the traffic-light */
class TrafficLightController(val trafficLight: TrafficLight) : Component() {
override fun repeatedProcess() = sequence {
/** A gas station, where cars will stop for refill. */
class GasStation(numPumps: Int = 6) : Resource(capacity = numPumps)
/** A car with a process definition detailing out its way to the gas-station via a crossing. */
class Car(val trafficLight: TrafficLight) : Component() {
val gasStation by inject<GasStation>()
override fun process() = sequence {
// Wait until the traffic light is green
wait(trafficLight, TrafficLightState.GREEN)
// Request a slot in the gas-station
request(gasStation) {
hold(5, description = "refilling")
createSimulation {
// Add a traffic light so that we can refer to it via koin get<T>()
dependency { TrafficLight() }
// Also add a resource with a limited capacity
dependency { GasStation(2) }
// Setup a traffic light controller to toggle the light
// Setup a car generator with an exponentially distributed arrival time
ComponentGenerator(exponential(7)) { Car(get()) }
// enable component tracking for later analytics
val cg = componentCollector()
// Run for 30 ticks
// Toggle the traffic light manually
get<TrafficLight>().value = TrafficLightState.GREEN
// Run for another 10 ticks
// Assess the state of the simulation entities
Here, we use both lazy injection with inject<T>()
and instance retrieval with get<T>()
. For details see koin reference