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States provide a powerful tool for process interaction.

A state will have a value at any given time. In its simplest form a component can wait() for a specific value of a state. Once that value is reached, the component will be resumed.



New States are defined as val doorOpen = State(false). The initial value is false, meaning the door is closed.

Now we can say :

doorOpen.value = true

to open the door.

If we want a person to wait for an open door, we could say :

wait(doorOpen, true)

The person's process definition will be suspended until the door is open.

We can obtain the current value (e.g. for logging) with:

print("""door is ${if(doorOpen.value) "open" else "closed"}""")

The value of a state is automatically monitored in the State<T>.timeline level monitor.

All components waiting for a state are tracked in a (internal) queue, that can be obtained with doorOpen.waiters.

State Change Triggers

If we just want at most one person to enter, we can use trigger() (which is a simple convenience wrapper around wait) with doorOpen.trigger(true, max=1). The following will happen:

  1. Temporarily change the state to the provided value,
  2. Reschedule max components (or less if there are fewer/no waiters) for immediate process continuation,
  3. and finally restore the previous state value.

Type Support

States support generics, so we could equally well use any other type to model the value. For example, a traffic light could be modelled with a String state:

// initially the traffic light is red
val light = State("red")
// toggle its value to green
light.value = "green"

Or define a int/float state :

val level = State(0.0)

level.value += 10

Since State<T> is a generic type, the compiler will reject invalid level associations such as

level.value = "red"
This won't compile because the type of level is Double.


States have a number of metrics endpoints:

  • valueMonitor tracks state changes over time
  • queueLength tracks the queue length level across time
  • lengthOfStay tracks the length of stay in the queue over time

Process interaction with wait()

A component can wait() for a state to get a certain value. In its most simple form this is done with

wait(doorOpen, true)

Once the doorOpen state is true, the component will be scheduled for process continuation.

As with request it is possible to set a timeout with failAt or failDelay :

wait(dooropen, true, failDelay=10.0)
if(failed) print("impatient ...")

In this example, the process will wait at max 10 ticks. If the state predicate was not met until then, the failed flag will be set and be consumed by the user.

There are two ways to test for a value

  • Value testing
  • Predicate testing

Value Testing

It is possible to test for a certain value:

wait(light, "green")

Or more states at once:

wait(light turns "green", light turns "yellow")  
where the wait is honored as soon is light is green OR yellow.

It is also possible to wait for all conditions to be satisfied, by adding all=true:

wait(light turns "green", engineRunning turns true, all=true) 
Here, the wait is honored as soon as light is green AND the engine is running.

Predicate testing

This is a more complicated but also more versatile way of specifying the honor-condition. In that case, a predicate function (T) -> Boolean must be provided required to specify the condition.

Example 1

val state = State("foo")
wait(state) { listOf("bar", "test").contains(it) }
The wait is honored if the String State becomes either bar or test.

Example 2

val intState = State(3.0)
wait(intState) { it*3 < 42 }

In this last example the wait is honored as soon as the value fulfils it*3 < 42.